

Increase in production & the growing competition in the market especially due to globalization have necessitated the responsibility of the department to introduce new technology and new schemes/projects to channelize the fruit trade on profitable lines.


Diversification in the despatches of fruits, Dissemination of latest technology amongst fruit growers. Creating job opportunities for unemployed youth involving them in Agri Business/Fruit Packing/Marketing Trades, Institutional re-structuring through involvement of PPP mode etc. and to provide assistance to Growers/Traders for better Post Harvest Management.


  • Study on various issues related to tribals of J&K.
  • As a guide to the Government to formulate suitable plans for the tribals.
  • To undertake survey of Tribal population depicting various lifestyles.
  • To undertake the Research of the tribal cultural history.
  • To save tribal cultural traditions, create museums for their traditional items.
  • Research and conservation of tribal arts.
  • To save tribal people's traditions and culture.
  • To study the language of tribals and to produce a book on their dialects.
  • To encourage the creation of tribal literature, encouraging novice tribal writers to publish their literature.
  • To organize tribal literary gatherings and festivals.
  • To undertake exercise of documentation of tribal lifestyles.
  • To train the officers / employees who are working in the Tribal Affairs Department, and also of other allied departments.
  • Guidance for the self-employed tribal Youth.
  • To provide coaching in various courses to the tribal students.
  • To train Elected representatives of the Tribal Panchayats specifically with regard to the formulation of GPDP.
  • To undertake Exposure visits and tours for the elected tribal representatives.


  • To ensure more profits for fruit production.
  • To act as a bridge between Researchers and Farming community by way of conducting Awareness Camps/Seminars /Exhibitions/Demonstrations/Training & Exposure visits etc..
  • To provide Post Harvest Management infrastructure (Establishment / construction of F&V markets / cold stores/ C.A stores, Grading and Packing sheds) to the growers/traders
  • To provide Market intelligence to Growers/Traders.
  • To ensure institutional re-structuring by promoting PPP mode.
  • To implement Centrally Sponsored Schemes like. RKVY and MIDH.
  • Organizing of Fruit Festivals.