
Introduction :

  • Horticulture generates higher returns.
  • Eco-Friendly environment.
  • Better employment Opportunities.
  • About 8% GDP of the State is being contributed by the Horticulture Sector.
  • Presently the Department has 35 Fruit & Vegetable Markets (Functional/ underdevelopment) including 04 Terminal , 21 Satellite and 10 Mandies.
  • Besides, proposals for establishment of new Mandies are under consideration.
  • Remunerative returns through exports to neighboring countries.
  • Kissan Ghar at Delhi and Jammu are functional, two more Kissan Ghars one at Salt Lake Kolkatta and other at Rajbagh, Srinagar are being established and the development works are in progress.
  • Two Cold Stores are under construction one at Parimpora Srinagar and other at Salt Lake Kolkatta

The State of J&K is not just a tourists paradise, but is home to some world famous varieties of fruit both fresh and dry, exotic flowers, Honey, Saffron, Morals, etc. It is a treat to watch almond orchards in bloom, drive along the Saffron fields and apple orchards when the fruit is in flowering stage. Horticulture is the fundamental strength of the States economy with a yearly turnover of Rs. 1200 crores. It provides direct and indirect employment to about 23.00 lakhs people with possibilities of further enhancement. It is with this potential in view, that State Government has declared Horticulture as a thrust areas and embarked on very ambitions schemes like :-

» Technology Mission.
» Prime Minister reconstruction Programme
» Agri- Export Zone
» Asian Development Bank assistance programme.

  • i. To advise and assist in the formulation of Development plans of the horticulture sector
  • ii. To organize promotion and publicity for better marketing of fruits and vegetables
  • iii. To provide market intelligence and information to the fruit and vegetable growers and those involved in the trade and distribution of these commodities
  • iv. To conduct or get conducted economic and market studies relating to production distribution and, utilization of horticultural produce
  • v. To coordinate efforts for providing facilities at different dispatch, distribution and marketing centers.
  • vi. To supervise and regulate the grading and packing of horticulture produce
  • vii. To assess and solve problems involved in the marketing, distribution and utilization of horticultural produce and
  • viii. To organize and supervise Fruit Growers Cooperative Marketing and Processing Societies